The Blog

Here are just some of the topics that you will find on the Blog!





Life Coaching


The Power of Coaching: 10 Reasons to Invest in a Life Coach Now

You have a problem. You want help with that problem, but you don’t feel like you can go to a friend or family member.  You have a goal. But you aren’t sure if it’s realistic, or you aren’t sure how to reach that goal. You know what you want but you don’t know how to...

Confidence vs. Self-Confidence: What’s the Difference and Why It Matters

Ahhh the revered, the loved, the coveted - confidence. It seems to be the gold standard that every person, certainly every woman, should attain. If I had a penny for every time I have heard a woman say this to another woman (and I’ve done it too, so no shame here!)...

Failure Tolerance: How to Turn Setbacks into Opportunities

When was the last time you failed at something? Could be something small, could be something big.  What did you feel when you failed? Was it dread, anger or maybe anxiety? Did any of you dare to feel maybe… excitement?  What did you do? Did you complain about it? Cry?...

Rising from the Ashes: My Journey to Unshakeable Self-Confidence

I love my life. But I didn’t always. I am excited about my future. But I wasn’t always. I know that my dreams are inevitable. But I didn’t always. This is my story. I hope it helps you to know that anything is possible for you. YOU are the expert of your life and YOU...

Clearing the Fog: Why Distinguishing Facts from Circumstances is Crucial for Clarity and Success

What are the stories that you tell yourself about your life? About your day?  I used to tell the story of my life with me staring as a victim. I was the child of an alcoholic, so of course I had trust issues. Then my fiancé cheated and lied. So of course I can’t be...